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March UPDATE 2019

Updated: Mar 28, 2019

Hello again and welcome! We are happy to report that there has been quite a lot of progress on REM this past month as we are gearing up for a public demo at East Coast Gaming Conference.

Major Progress

-Nightmare mode

-Multi-item inventory

-New tools added

-Dialogue system

-2 more level chunks added (Cafe & Bank themed puzzle sections)

-Insanity factored into nightmare mode

-Story elements that reduce character sanity now collectible

-Monster AI can now roam, attack and trigger nightmare mode

-Floor Destruction

-40+ Assets added to the game

-The main menu is fully functional

-Pause menu feature added

-Title screen added with animations

-'Hide' ability with cooldown added

-'Peek' ability added

Other Progress

-More level textures

-More dialogue and interaction

-More intense flames and post-processing FX

-Minor animation tweaks

-Sparks particle FX improved

-Fire FX improved

-Color highlighting fixed on collectible items and doors

-Various bug fixes

-New hide shader

-New Monster phase shader

-Opening background music added

What's Next?

Our goal for the next month is to focus on finishing up our demo chunk and polishing it as much as possible before ECGC. We have finally secured our slot at the indie alley and are extremely excited to get the word out about REM, get some useful player feedback for going forward, and network with fellow developers. Some changes to the website are coming soon, along with new promotional content and a demo video so stay tuned!

Thank you for continuing to follow us during this game development journey and be sure to check out our booth at ECGC this April!

-James Carroll, CEO


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N Dimensional Games L.L.C.

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